13 Possession, have, mi tu su

The verbo TENER (to have) is one of those verbos that undergo numerous irregularities among the verbs ending in ER. Conjugate it this way:

  • Yo tengo (add a G)
  • Tú tienes (E to IE in the stem)
  • Él tiene, ella tiene, usted tiene (E to IE in the stem)
  • Nosotros tenemos, nosotras tenemos (keep the E in the stem)
  • Ellos tienen, ellas tienen, ustedes tienen (E to IE in the stem)

Notice that despite the many irregularities of TENER, I=YO still ends in O, You=tú in S, Él (he)/Ella (she)/Usted (formal singular YOU) in a vowel, We=Nosotros/Nosotras in MOS and They=Ellos/ellas in N.

Words to mark possession:

  • Mi /mee/=my
  • Tu /too/=your
  • Su /soo/=his, her, their, or formal your

You just add an S if the THING possessed is plural. Examples:

  • Mi novio=my boyfriend
  • Mis amigos=my friends
  • Tu primo=your (male) cousin
  • Tus primos=your (male) cousins
  • Su hijo=his OR her son
  • Sus hijos=his OR her sons OR children

No changes happen for the gender of no one.

Sample conversations:

Naming friends and family members acquaintance:

This conversation prompts to discuss whether you have certain family members or acquaintances. After each sample you’ll find a vocab list you can follow to fill in the templates.

A: ¿Cómo se llama tu mejor amigo OR amiga?

B: Mi mejor amigo OR amiga se llama ____________.

Sample family members or acquittances: papa (=dad), mama (=mom), abuelo materno (=maternal grandfather), abuela materna (=maternal grandmother), abuelo paterno (=paternal grandfather), abuela paterna (=paternal grandmother)

A: ¿Tienes ___________ (add vocab acquaintance)?

B: Sí, tengo _______________ (repeat vocab acquaintance).

A: ¿Cómo se llama tu _____________ (repeat vocab acquaintance)?

B: Mi ___________________ (repeat vocab acquaintance) se llama __________________ (add name).

Sample vocab acquaintances: novio OR novia (=boyfriend OR girlfriend), esposo OR esposa (=spouse), compañero OR compañera de cuarto (=roommate)

A: ¿Tienes ___________ (add family member in plural)?

B: Sí, tengo _______________ (repeat family member in plural).

A: ¿Cómo se llaman tus _____________ (repeat family member in plural)?

B: Mis ___________________ (repeat family members in plural) se llaman __________________ y ___________________ (add names).

Sample family members: hijos (=children), hermanos (=sibblings), primos (=cousins), amigos (=friends)


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Multigrade Spanish and Caribbean Music Copyright © by Ana Maria Diaz Collazos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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