15 Times of repeated events

The present indicative states actions that occur regularly in the present. Some time expressions accompanying the present indicative are:

  • todos los días=every day
  • todos los fines de semana=every weekend
  • todos los meses=every month
  • todos los años=every year
  • todas las mañanas=every morning
  • todas las tardes=every afternoon
  • todas las noches=every evening/night
  • regularmente=regularly
  • siempre=always
  • a veces=sometimes
  • rara vez=seldom

With days of the week:

  • todos los lunes=every Monday
  • todos los martes=every Tuesday
  • todos los miércoles=every Wednesday
  • todos los jueves=every Thursday
  • todos los viernes=every Friday
  • todos los sábados=every Saturday
  • todos los domingos=every Sunday

Sample conversations

Talking about frequency

A: ¿Cuándo ______________ (add conjugated verb in tú-form)?

B: Yo ______________ (add conjugated verb in yo-form)  ___________ (add expression of frequency).

caminar (=to walk), dibujar (=to draw), trabajar (=to work) bailar (=to dance), manejar (=to drive), practicar deportes (=to practice sports), correr (=to run), barrer (=to sweep), hacer deportes (yo form=hago, means to do sports), estudiar (=to study), jugar (=to play, U turns to UE), dormir (=to sleep, O turns to UE)

Talking about your routines:

A: ¿Qué haces todos los días? (=What do you do everyday?)

B: Yo _____________________________ (conjugate in the yo-form).

Morning routines:

levantar (=to get up) with reflexive LEVANTARSE, cepillar (=to brush) with reflexive CEPILLARSE, desayunar (=to have breakfast), manejar (=to drive), estudiar (=to study), caminar a la Universidad (=to walk to the university)

Afternoon routines:

comer (=to eat), estudiar (=to study), regresar a casa (=to return home), descansar (=to rest), trabajar (=to work)

Bed-time routines:

cepillar (=to brush) with reflexive CEPILLARSE, duermo (=I sleep) OR duermes (=you sleep)

Leisure routines:

viajar (=to travel), nadar (=to swim), practicar deportes (=to practice sports), patinar (=to skate), esquiar (=to ski), ver televisión (=to watch TV), escuchar música (=to listen to music), bailar (=to dance), cantar (=to sing), subir montañas (=to climb mountains), comer (=to eat)

Talking about your cultural traditions

A: ¿Qué tradiciones culturales anglo-americanas practicas? (=What cultural traditions from the United States do you practice?)

B: Halloween / Cuatro de julio / El día de San Patricio / Thanksgiving / Navidad (=Christmas) / Pascua (=Easter) (pick one or more than one).

You can also add one cultural tradition from a different culture. Describe in Spanish what you usually during this tradition. You may name this tradition in your native language, but describe the actions using Spanish and the present tense in the “nosotros” form.

  • Mi tradición cultural es ____________________ (add name).
  • Es una tradición ____________________ (add culture).
  • Ocurre en _________________________ (add month in Spanish).
  • Nosotros celebramos ____________________________ (add what’s celebrated or remembered in this feast in Spanish).
  • Usamos vestidos especiales como: ____________________________________ (describe the outfit in Spanish) y _________________________________________. Use the dictionary to describe at least two pieces of garment specific for this date. You can also say it in your native language if the name is difficult to translate.

Using the dictionary, find verbs that describe the actions “we” do in this tradition, and conjugate in the present tense and the “nosotros” form.

  • Nosotros _____________________________ (add verb stating what “we” do in this tradition).
  • Nosotros _____________________________ (add verb stating what “we” do in this tradition).
  • Nosotros _____________________________ (add verb stating what “we” do in this tradition).
  • Nosotros _____________________________ (add verb stating what “we” do in this tradition).
  • Nosotros _____________________________ (add verb stating what “we” do in this tradition).

You can read in my blog in Spanish about Halloween:



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Multigrade Spanish and Caribbean Music Copyright © by Ana Maria Diaz Collazos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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