4 Common expressions in Spanish

Class directions:

  • Levántense: (everybody) get up
  • Siéntense: (everybody) sit down
  • Levanten la mano: (everybody) raise the hand
  • Escriban: (everybody) write
  • Busquen en el diccionario: (everybody) look up in the dictionary
  • Vayan a la pizarra: (everybody) go to the board
  • Borren: (Everybody) erase

The N means you are talking to a group of people. If you want to address the direction to a single person, delete the N. Also the vowel before the N means the action is a direction. When talking about routines, the vowel will be reversed.


  • Buenos días : Good Morning
  • Buenas tardes: Good afternoon
  • Buenas noches: Good evening, good night
  • ¿Cómo estás?: How are you (doing)? You usually respond: Bien! (Fine!)
  • Mucho gusto: Nice to meet you. You can respond “Encantando” OR “Encantada” (female), but you can just respond “mucho gusto” again.
  • Lo siento: I’m sorry
  • Gracias: Thank you
  • De nada: Of nothing, idiom. you’re welcome
  • Perdón: I’m sorry
  • Con mucho gusto: With much pleasure. Idiom. Nice to meet you / Sure!
  • Adios: Good bye
  • Tenga buen día: Have a good day
  • Tenga buen fin de semana: Have a good weekend

Conversational helpers

  • Repita, por favor: Repeat, please
  • ¿Qué se le ofrece?: How may I help you?
  • Enjoy your meal: ¡Buen apetito!
  • ¿Qué significa___?: What does _____ mean?
  • No comprendo OR No entiendo: I don’t understand
  • ¿Me escuchas?: Can you listen to me?
  • Escribe en el chat: write on the chat


1 uno, 2 dos, 3 tres, 4 cuatro, 5 cinco, 6 seis, 7 siete, 8 ocho, 9 nueve, 10 diez, 11 once, 12 doce, 13 trece, 14 catorce, 15 quince, 16 dieciséis, 17 diecisiete, 18 dieciocho, 19 diecinueve

20 veinte, 30 treinta, 40 cuarenta, 50 cincuenta, 60 sesenta, 70 setenta, 80 ochenta, 90 noventa

21-29 veinti____ (add number) e.g. 24=veinticuatro

The rest just adds the word Y (=and) + number. E.g. 45: cuarenta y cinco.

Sample conversations

Telling your age:

A: ¿Cuántos años tienes? =lit. How many years do you have? Idiom. How old are you?

B: Tengo ___________ (add number) años.

Taking a leave:

A: (Pick one:) Lo siento, me tengo que ir. (=I’m sorry, I have to leave) Bueno (=Well…)…, muchas gracias por todo. (=thanks a lot for everything) Perdón, es que me esperan en la casa. (=Forgiveness, they wait for me in home) Perdón, es que está de noche. (=Forgiveness, it’s the night). You can say ES QUE and add the excuse for the leaving.

B: Está bien.

A: (Pick one:) Hasta luego. (=See you later) Adiós. (=Good bye) Chao. (=Good bye)

B: Responds the same.

A: (Pick one:) Tenga buen día. (=Have a good day, formal) Tenga buen fin de semana. (=Have a good weekend, formal) Que pases bien. (=May you pass well / have a good time, informal)

B: Tú también. (=You too).

IAN may add a point of conflict that delays the leave.


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Multigrade Spanish and Caribbean Music Copyright © by Ana Maria Diaz Collazos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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