35 Spelling changes in present indicative

Some verbs ending in ER and IR undergo spelling changes to keep the original sound in the stem. For example, RECOGER (to pick up) is a regular verb in the pronunciation: /rrekoher/.

Pronunciation of “recoger”:

  • /rrekóho/ (I pick up), written recojo
  • /rrekóhes/ (you pick up), written recoges
  • /rrekóhe/ (he,she picks up), written recoge
  • /rrekohémos/ (we pick up), written recogemos
  • /rrekóhen/ (they pick up), written recogen

For historical reasons, the original spelling was with G in /rrecohér/, but then in the yo-form, you need to change it to a J to keep depicting the H sound. However, some Spanish speakers make spelling mistakes and write everything with J in verbs like this.

This happens to verbs ending in GER and GIR. Regular verbs with spelling changes are: coger (=to pick up, to grab), escoger (=to choose), proteger (=to protect)Also verbs ending in GUER and GUIR soung /ger/ and /gir/ with the smooth G of “gap” or “get”. To make the YO-Form, you don’t use the U to keep the sound. One common regular verb with this change is: distinguir (=to distinguish), yo distingo (=I distinguish), tú distingues (=you distinguish).

Sample conversation:

Choosing something

A: Entre _________________ y _____________________, ¿cuál _____________ (=escoger in the tú form)?=Between _______ and ________, what do you choose?

B: Yo ______________ (=escoger in the yo form) ______________________ (add item you choose).

A: ¿Por qué?

B: Porque es ________________________________________.


  • Un recogedor (=dustpan) y una aspiradora (=vacuum)
  • Una taza de té (=tea cup) y un trago de ron (=a sip of rum)
  • Un helado de chocolate (=chocolate icecream) y una limonada (=lemonade)
  • Un hombre guapo y malo y un hombre feo y bueno
  • Una mujer bonita y mala y una mujer fea y buena
  • El reggaetón y la cumbia
  • Un computador y un teléfono inteligente
  • YouTube y TikTok
  • Facebook y Snapchat (OR other social network you use)


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Multigrade Spanish and Caribbean Music Copyright © by Ana Maria Diaz Collazos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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